Heidi Hebditch

Country: Canada
Email: heidi.hebditch@signsofsafety.net
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Gelicentieerd Signs of Safety Trainer & Consultant 🟠🔵
Biografie is alleen beschikbaar in het Engels

Prior to her work as a consultant/trainer with Resolutions Consultancy, Heidi spent nearly 8 years on the front-line of social work initially as a child protection worker and later as a Supervisor (Team Leader) with a fully delegated Aboriginal Child Protection agency in British Columbia, Canada. Today, Heidi is in the final stage of completing her Masters of Social Work with Indigenous Specialization, while continuing her work as a consultant; training and coaching leadership and staff not only in the use and implementation of the Signs of Safety practice framework, but also in creating positive change for organizations as a whole. She firmly believes that implementing this practice within your organization is not just about using the right tools, it’s about changing the way we think! It’s about shifting our practice from a deficit-based practice to a more positive, strength-based practice. Heidi has nearly 5 years experience in helping organizations implement the Signs of Safety framework across all levels of their organization and has worked over the past year to develop a Supervision/Staff Evaluation model that ensures a parallel process throughout these agencies.

Heidi draws on her positive outlook to provide motivational workshops that will not only inspire workers to adopt the change but will also ensure a sense of respect and gratitude for both the practice and the people we work with on a day to day basis. She has provided these workshops to agencies and communities throughout the province and participated in presentations at various other gatherings including Minnesota, Perth, and Oregon.