Marieke Vogel

Country: Nederland
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Gelicentieerd Signs of Safety Trainer en Consultant 🟠🔵
Biografie is alleen beschikbaar in het Engels

Marieke began her career as a Child Care worker in 1991, and she became a member of the High Risk Team of BJZ Drenthe, and had gone through intensive training with Andrew Turnell in between 2006 and 2011. Being part of the High Risk Team gave Marieke the opportunity to learn and grow in using the Signs of Safety tools and approaches in daily practice with the families.

She has been working as a Signs of Safety Trainer for Bureau Jeugdzorg, a Youth Care Agency in Drenthe, since 2009. In April 2010, Marieke started her own consultancy firm, Trainingsbureau De Zwaluw, alongside her job with Bureau Jeugdzorg. Marieke left Bureau Jeugdzorg in 2016 and is working full time as a trainer and coach to support organisations using Signs of Safety in the best way they can.

One of Marieke’s main interests is to involve children in the safety planning process, and she is very experienced in accommodating parents in her process as well. She is set to conduct research in this respect in terms of benefits and experience gained by children and parents who has participated in the Signs of Safety planning.

Marieke works closely with Andrew Turnell and other licensed trainers as she believes working in group will result in effective implementation and training of Signs of Safety in the region as a whole. Marieke is working in different areas in the Netherlands and also taking part of projects in Belgium, Northern Ireland, Sweden and Denmark. Marieke has been the Regional Director of Signs of Safety for mainland Europe since January 2017.