Stacey Steinbach

Stacey Steinbach
Country: United States
Languages: Array
Pronoun: she/her
Licensed Signs of Safety Trainer & Consultant 🟠🔵
Stacey has been a licensed Signs of Safety Trainer and Consultant since 2013 and brings more than 15 years' experience as a front-line practitioner, supervisor and manager in the US. Stacey remains employed at a child welfare organisation in Minnesota that has been implementing Signs of Safety in child welfare and children's mental health since 2007. The area is on the Upper Sioux Community land, and this partnership has furthered the growth for Stacey as a trainer and consultant. From these experiences, Stacey brings knowledge of the model to fully implement across the whole organisation.
Stacey's passion for children, families and organisations comes forth in the training room, group supervision and whole system learning cases and provides an energised space in person and virtually for learning and growth.