Safety Planning Workshop: Leuven

Safety Planning Workshop in Belgium

1, 4, 5 & 11 December 2023

Jeugdherberg Blauwput
Martelarenplein 11
3010 Leuven

Country: Belgium

Signs of Safety was introduced into Flanders, Belgium in 2015 within social services organisations OCJ and JRB. Increasingly, referring bodies such as the juvenile court, OCJ and JK are asking for safety plans for cases. This 4-day in-depth training workshop offers an introduction to the safety planning process, and how you can make a safety plan together with parents and their network so that the home is a safe and good place for the at-risk children to grow up in.

There will be 4 days of very interactive work in groups with case materials from the participants.

  • Day 1: The safety planning process and how you can include the parents and network in this.
  • Day 2: How to work with a timeline and trajectory.
  • Day 3: About ACES and PCES, and how to include and engage your network in network deliberations.
  • Day 4: Words and Pictures are an indispensable part of safety planning. Learn how to create effective Words and Pictures, and how to keep the focus on the children. We will also cover working with denial, plus working with the Harm Analysis Matrix in connection with drawing up the actual safety plan with parents and network.

The workshop will be facilitated by Denis Gorgon, licensed Signs of Safety trainer.


  • €290 per person for 4 days, coffee, tea, and water included
  • Registration and information: please email
  • Your registration is only final after payment (information will follow after registration via email)
  • Places are limited!