Justine Giuffra

Justine Giuffra
Country: United Kingdom
Email: justine.giuffra@signsofsafety.net
Languages: Array
Licensed Signs of Safety Trainer 🔵
Justine is currently employed as a Social Work Consultant by Manchester Children’s Services in the North West of England. Within this role Justine has been a leading part of the Signs of Safety Implementation which started in 2016. This has included supporting front line workers to integrate Signs of Safety into their practice, working alongside Tracey Hill to deliver training and developing training to meet the specific needs of the partner agencies in the city - Education, Housing, Early Intervention, Youth Offending and the Voluntary Sector. Justine recognises the importance of partner agencies understanding the model in the interface with Child Protection agencies but also the benefits to using it within their own agency.

Justine has been working with families in Manchester since 2002 when she completed her training and has always worked hard to support families so the children could remain at home. Justine has also worked in the Voluntary Sector as part of a Leaving Care Team and then as a Senior Social Worker on a specialist CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health) Team for children looked after by the Local Authority. In this role she has worked hard to support social workers and carers to understand the impact of Developmental Trauma on the children. Signs of Safety has provided her with a framework to encourage workers to help families understand the impact of their parenting on the children using simple language to help them connect the dots, she feels this if the key to supporting families to keep their children safe and at home.

Justine is committed to the importance of group supervision not only to embed the model into practice but to provide a reflective space and peer support for workers. Justine also emphasises the importance of being open with children and feels words and pictures are a perfect way to support parents to do this.