Marion Henneman

Marion Henneman
Country: The Netherlands
Languages: Array
Licensed Signs of Safety Trainer & Consultant 🟠🔵
Marion Henneman worked as a social worker with families and children in child protection and mental health and has provided training & coaching to workers, practice leaders, supervisors and management in the Netherlands.

Since 2012 she is a fulltime Signs of Safety trainer and has worked with passion and perseverance at implementation in the boroughs of the Hague and surroundings. She is specialised in forming and supporting trajectories of learning for all parts of the organisation to work with Signs of Safety.

Together with Signs of Safety trainer Manna van ‘t Slot, Marion developed the learning model and an intensive and fun learning trajectory for practice leaders and managers, so organisations can own the learning and development of Signs of Safety from within.
We have learned that for the Signs of Safety approach to get grounded into the daily work, it needs to be integrated in the work process and the integration of the learning needs to be a specifically big part of it.

Marion’s practical knowledge and experience, enthusiasm and passion for Signs of Safety works as a motivator and inspiration for participants to really dig in deep.