Penelope Turnell

Pene Turnell
Country: Australia
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Licensed Signs of Safety Trainer & Consultant 🟠🔵
Penelope Turnell (B Psych Hons) has 11 years' experience as a government child protection practitioner in Western Australia, working with vulnerable and at-risk children in remote communities, in metropolitan and regional Australia and internationally. While working as a child protection practitioner, the statutory agency implemented Signs of Safety as its safety planning model. Having used Signs of Safety with her own clients and experiencing the effectiveness of the approach in her own practice first-hand, Pene became a licensed Signs of Safety Trainer and Consultant in 2014. In 2019, Pene became the inaugural Executive Director of Signs of Safety Practice at Elia International.

The focus of Pene’s work has always centered on bringing parents, children and safety networks into the centre of the safety planning work. Pene is passionate about creating Words and Pictures explanations and rigorous safety plans with parents in the most challenging cases and has learnt many of her skills directly from Susie Essex, the English Family Therapist who created the method. Pene’s training is dynamic, inspiring and practical, grounded in examples of work she has been directly involved in.

Pene now runs her own child protection consultancy practice Turnell Plus with her husband an co-creator of the Signs of Safety approach, Andrew Turnell ( Her primary work focuses on whole system implementations of the Signs of Safety in the Northern Territory, Ireland, and Wungening Moort in Western Australia. Pene has presented her work in Australia, North America, Europe, the UK, and Asia.