Wendy Hill

Country: United Kingdom
Email: wendy.hill@signsofsafety.net
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Licensed Signs of Safety Trainer & Consultant, IT Solution Accredited, Signs of Safety Regional Director for UK and Ireland 🟠🔵🟢
Wendy is a registered social worker with over 25 years experience of working as a practitioner, manager and trainer within local authority Children’s services.  Wendy has used solution focused approaches throughout her work since 2002 within practice, management and organisational development and first started to introduce Signs of Safety into her work in 2006.

As a Service Manager of a successful Family Support and edge of care service, Wendy learnt first hand how a whole system approach to frontline practice, supported by managers who actively lead and model through supervision and the use of Appreciative Inquiry can lead to real benefits for children, families and staff.  From 2012, as Principal Social Worker, Wendy was given the opportunity to lead on the implementation of Signs of Safety within West Sussex and contribute to the UK Signs of Safety English Innovation Project.

Wendy joined the UK Signs of Safety team as a full time Trainer and Consultant in 2017.