


4th edition of the Signs of Safety Briefing Paper released

The Signs of Safety Briefing Paper has been continually updated  to provide the most up to date overview of the Signs of Safety as it continues to evolve. This fourth edition of the Signs of Safety Briefing Paper offers a comprehensive overview of the Signs of Safety approach and underpinning theory, as well as detailing the research and implementation science that supports it.

/ May 24, 2017

An IT system child protection workers will want to use!

April 24, 2017 was a breakthrough day for the Signs of Safety approach. On that day in Islington London, together with Servelec HSC, the first fully specified Signs of Safety information management system was launched and is now available for local authorities to purchase and use.

/ April 25, 2017

Video: Keeping Children Front and Centre

The Department for Child Protection and Family Support in Western Australia wants to make this video available internationally, hoping it will inspire others on the journey of tackling the issues of a western child protection system in engaging with aboriginal cultures.

/ March 29, 2017

English Innovations Project Report Released

In mid-2014, Munro, Turnell and Murphy Child Protection Consulting succeeded in securing English government innovations funding to work intensively with ten local authorities over eighteen months. The project became known as the Signs of Safety English Innovations Project.

/ December 20, 2016

English Innovations Work Transforms DV Practice in Lincolnshire

Between October 2014 to March this year the Signs of Safety English Innovations Project (EIP) was undertaken with ten local authorities; Brent, Bristol, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Tower Hamlets, Wakefield, West Sussex, and Wokingham. The purpose of the project was …

/ December 13, 2016

Signs of Safety Feedback in Song, and in Welsh!

In November, Signs of Safety Consultants Viv Hogg (from the UK) and Marion Henneman (from The Netherlands) delivered a 5-day advanced Signs of Safety course in Swansea, Wales. During their preparations, Marion told Viv that when she had run a …

/ November 14, 2016

Signs of Safety: It’s In Your Hands Now

The Western Australian Department for Child Protection and Family Support (CPFS) adopted the Signs of Safety as its child protection framework and began a system wide implementation in 2008. Resolutions Consultancy has worked with CPFS since that time assisting in …

/ November 9, 2016