Caara Goddard

Country: Canada
Languages: Array
Pronoun: she/her
Licensed Signs of Safety Trainer & Consultant, IT Solution Accredited 🟠🔵🟢
Caara has been passionately working in Indigenous Child Welfare systems for over 13 years, primarily with Ktunaxa Kinbasket Child and Family Services first as a guardianship worker, intake worker, team lead and now as their Practice Consultant. Her focus has been to move reconciliation into reconcili-action and to support Aboriginal Agencies to work through a more participatory and strengths-based risk assessment and safety planning process than has previously been possible.

A key guiding principle for Signs of Safety is that child protection work can only happen in the presence of strong constructive working relationships and Caara is committed to working and building relationships with agencies, elders, and leadership to move child protection and child safety forward in a way that is clear, child centered, and collaborative. Her fundamental beliefs are that child protection needs to be inclusive, to give voice to many perspectives, and to allow those who are naturally connected to the children and families to step in and support them in their journey towards long term safety. Although Caara's work has provided her experience internationally, her heart, soul, and passion is working on whole system implementations with Delegated Aboriginal Agencies within Canada.

Beyond her work as a licensed Signs of Safety trainer and consultant, she spends her time on their family farm in Yahk, B.C. with her husband, five children and two grandchildren.