Sabien De Klerck

Country: Belgium
Languages: Array
Licensed Signs of Safety Trainer 🔵
Sabien has been working within child protection for the last 18 years. She began her career in a private organisation in youth care in Belgium (VZW Sporen), and worked as a social worker together with parents, children and their families, both in residential care and at home.
Later, as a trainer and coach for the workers she started to explore more and more the depth and the parallel learnings with both the children, parents, their networks and the workers. She was impressed by the transformation this could bring and by how change looked like in the face of hope.
Sabien started to work in Youth and Welfare Agency, “Opgroeien” where Signs of Safety has implemented since 2016. She and her colleagues are bringing the Signs of Safety approach with everyone into daily practice.
For Sabien, learning and discovering is an ongoing process. She wants to grow and learn, day by day along with everybody: children, families, colleagues and the Signs of Safety community. This is reflected in her work both as a trainer and as a social worker.
She has a passion for bringing people together in regular network meetings and moving towards a future in which the children are safe and connected. Navigating through this process and learning from each other (children, networks, parents, professionals etc) is reflected in the training room.
Building hope and letting the voice of the children be the real coach in the work that everyone is doing is an every day challenge, never to be left out of sight.